B - Litter  :  Puppies on Valentine's day (14.02.2008)     Pedigree

All puppies have found a new home.


Old Shatterhand vom Springer-Clan   HD-A                                              Annikki's Ohren im Wind   HD-B2            

Chad is a therapy dog in a retirement home, his Titles: NJK, JW'06, Dt. J-Ch, E-jsgr'07,  B-Sgr'07                                                   Annikki's passion :  Obedience                                                            

Both Parents :  GPRA-cord 1 clear, Gonioskopie clear, Fucosidose free, Eyes free


Puppies - Individual photos


* * *   Diary   * * *

04.10.2008   Bergelmir lives now in Cologne and is making 2 girls and their parents overjoyed :o)

20.09.2008   our Prince Bergelmir has his Prince-place :o) in two weeks he will live there, we are very happy!!!

23.08.2008   Bergelmir is still looking for a good home, the family could not have him for health reasons

17.08.2008   Bergelmir has found a nice family in Wesel, soon he will live there

09.08.2008   Bergelmir is playing with his girlfriend Leila :D


13.07.2008   Bergelmir

29.06.2008   also swimming will be learnt  ;o)                                             how do you call this green thing?  water?


07.06.2008   Bran has found a dear family, to which he moves after their holiday :-D                         Bergelmir is still looking for a new home


22.05.2008   Grandma, we love you so much ;o)


Bergelmir und Bran are still searching for the right home


Bergelmir : he is a sweet lap dog, could go for showing


Bran : a very dear fellow human related, also he is physically very skilful and is suitable for dog sport


playing, playing, playing  :-D


24.04.2008   Who is faster than Mom???   Soon we have her!!!







this curious boys :o)


21.04.2008   Walking whith 4 adult Springers and 5 Puppies :o)

19.04.2008   the first School lesson for our  5 puppies

15.04.2008   Leila, the friend of our dogs, yeha, catch her! ;o)

11.04.2008   Bile is living in Rheinberg and Beli in Dedenbach

10.04.2008   Beng lives in Belgium, Kennel "Of The Pride Runners"

07.04.2008   Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzz scharch Zzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzz !!!

06.04.2008   Today we visit the new dogs place by car

05.04.2008   Hello Mau ! Please wait a minute !


04.04.2008   this gardeners !!!


01.04.2008   Necklace-training is on the timetable of our puppies

30.03.2008   Visit by a Labrador-pack
da in unserer Umgebung Zwingerhusten im Umlauf ist können wir leider nicht zur Hundeschule, also bekommen
wir Besuch von meiner Kollegin Sybille mit ihrem Labrador-Rudel - Belis zukünftigem Rudel :o)

29.03.2008   the first of us are already showing ... more about that tomorrow - Annemie, thank you for your Help in the assessment of puppies and the photos!

24.03.2008   Snow - only for our Puppies ;o)

23.03.2008   the first trip to the garden

19.03.2008   the first contact ;o)     Brixia and uncel Aegir


12.03.2008   the first meal for our puppies: they have eaten like little piranhas


Photo sesion : the first standing photos - wow !!!  Sybille, thank you for your patience ;o)     (Puppies - Individual photos)



09.03.2008   the puppies have received their first visitors ,   also aunt Aibell looks after the rights :o)

07.03.2008   run-, jump- and snarl-training                                    small fights must also be practiced ;o)


06.03.2008   Beng   +   Brixia


05.03.2008   Annikki and Bragi

03.03.2008   Mom is the Best   :o)     the puppies have teeth


02.03.2008   this escapees :   Aunt we are comming !!!


29.02.2008   the Puppies start the first escape attempts from the whelping box - OH !!!    all eyes are open, the ears begin to open and the teeth are good tangible

27.02.2008   the first open eyes :o)        Help that lives whelping box !!!   ;o)

26.02.2008   Annikki and Brixia

25.02.2008   canoodling !


23.02.2008   the first wobbly steps  :o)                                                       maybe aunt Astrild has also milk ???


22.02.2008   Grandma Lilly comes to clean it                          what is these sweet sisters or moonlighting ???


20.02.2008   this litter gets more and more of a "family business" :   lain it's more comfortable!!!


19.02.2008   Hmmmmmm     :o)

18.02.2008   Grandma Lilly looks after the rights ;o)  uncel Aegir and aunt Astrild ask whether they can help,


 Mom is  back :o)

17.02.2008   Aunt Astrild may help finally ;o) she is overjoyed :o)


16.02.2008   Mom Annikki and Bergelmir

15.02.2008   Grandma Lilly is helping her daughter Annikki cleaning the puppies ! Do you ever have seen something like these ?!



14.02.2008   Annikki and her Babys,   1 Girl and 7 Boys!!!!!!

29.01.2008   Annikki and Astrild are practicing motherhood   ;o)




27.01.2008   we have re-assembled the whelping box in the living room and sometimes Annikki sleeps in it to check it out  ;o)  she was born in this whelping box


14.01.2008   we went for an ultra sound :  Annikki is pregnant   :o)   we expect at least 6 puppies

13.+14.12.2007   Annikki was mated to Old Shatterhand vom Springer-Clan ,  we expect puppies on Valentine's day 2008


01.12.2007   the long wait is over :   Annikki is in season at last !!!

29.10.2007   we are eagerly waiting for Annikki's season   -   she sure takes her time   :o[    OK , we'll wait    ;o)

(to kill time I already created the pedigree)

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